
  1. pip install django-user-sessions
  2. In INSTALLED_APPS replace 'django.contrib.sessions' with 'user_sessions'.
  3. In MIDDLEWARE or MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES replace 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' with 'user_sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'.
  4. Add SESSION_ENGINE = 'user_sessions.backends.db'.
  5. Add url(r'', include('user_sessions.urls', 'user_sessions')), to your
  6. Make sure LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL is set to some page to redirect users after logging out.
  7. Run python syncdb (or migrate) and browse to /account/sessions/.

System check framework

Django warns you about common configuration errors. When replacing the session middleware with the one provided by this library, it’ll start warning about admin.E410. You can silence this warning by adding the following line in your settings file:



You need to setup GeoIP for the location detection to work. See the Django documentation on installing GeoIP.

IP when behind a proxy

If you’re running Django behind a proxy like nginx, you will have to set the REMOTE_ADDR META header manually using a middleware, to stop it from always returning the ip of the proxy (e.g. in many cases).

An example middleware to fix this issue is django-xforwardedfor-middleware which simply does this for each request:

request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].split(',')[0].strip()

Your particular configuration may vary, X-Forwarded-For must be set by a proxy that you have control over, otherwise it might be spoofed by the client.